Everyone can do something. Pick a bullet from the steps listed below, and get started in your community today.
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Expand provision of nutrient-dense breakfast, meals, and snacks for children through existing School Nutrition Programs.
Step 1 Includes:
Increasing the % of students participating in School Breakfast Programs
Offering expanded breakfast programs such as Breakfast in the Classroom, Grab-N-Go, and Universal Free Breakfast
Increasing understanding of schools' reasons for not participating in the Community Eligibility Program
Addressing challenges to ensure all schools who are eligible to participate in the Community Eligibility Program do
Maximizing participation in the National School Lunch Program
Increasing the % of schools offering Universal Free Lunch
Increasing the capacity of schools to continue to provide school breakfast and lunch
Increasing the number of qualifying elementary schools participating in the Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program
Expanding school wellness policies to include nutrient-dense foods
Provide nutrient-dense meals and snacks for children during out-of-school time.
Step 2 Includes:
Increasing the number of schools offering backpack programs
Expanding the number of schools with school pantries
Increasing access to nutrient-dense food on "the fifth day" for children in 4-Day Schools
Growing the capacity of 4-Day Schools and communities to provide nutrition to kids on the fifth day
Highlighting best practices from schools providing afterschool snacks and supper
Supporting expansion of the Summer Meal Program and Summer EBT to the 13 Montana counties without these programs
Increasing the amount of training school food service directors receive about out-of-school programs
Guarantee that all families have access to public food programs.
Step 3 Includes:
Addressing stigma in Montana to maximize participation in SNAP and WIC programs
Increasing awareness of SNAP and WIC
Growing the number of doctors conducting food insecurity screenings with their patience and proving a warm hand-off to SNAP and WIC
Increasing awareness of TEFAP and number of sites participating in TEFAP
Increasing awareness of the Commodity Foods Assistance Program and maximizing participation
Increasing the number of sites, such as farmers markets, and producers accepting WIC, SNAP, and Double SNAP Dollars
Increasing the number of Prescription Produce and similar programs in the state
Working for the inclusion of medically appropriate meals and nutrition counselling in Medicaid and other programs
Addressing the impact of the Benefits Cliff in Montana
Increase community availability of and access to affordable nutrient-dense, foods grown and produced in Montana
Step 4 Includes:
Addressing access and distribution challenges that impair community members' access to affordable, nutrient-dense, foods grown and produced in Montana
Understanding the reasons Montana schools choose not to participate in USDA's Farm to School program
Addressing these reasons to expand participation in the Farm to School program
Providing training around sourcing foods grown and produced in Montana
Increasing the number of schools sourcing a variety of foods grown and produced in Montana
Continuing to support and grow the number of Farm to Foodbank Programs in Montana
Expand distribution as needed among emergency food providers, farmers, ranchers, food producers and others to ensure ability to meet Montanans' needs at all times.
Promote nutrition security for pregnant & nursing women; and breastfeeding support for new moms & babies.
Step 5 Includes:
Working with community groups to promote breastfeeding
Increasing the number of public worksites aware of and observing the Federal Breaktime for Nursing Mothers Act
Increasing the number of WIC participants who have a Breastfeeding Peer Counselor
Measuring and expanding the number of birthing hospitals designated and/or enrolled in the Baby-Friendly Certification Process
Increase access to nutrient-dense, culturally relevant foods.
Step 6 Includes:
Increasing capacity of schools to provide culturally relevant foods by providing trainings, sourcing options, and addressing other related needs
Growing access to culturally relevant foods through schools
Increasing access to culturally relevant foods during out-of-school time
Increasing access to culturally relevant foods through emergency food programs
Expanding inclusion of culturally relevant foods in Produce Prescription and nutrition-incentive programs
Including food and nutrition in cultural-education programs such as Montana Indian Education for All
Offer outreach to children and families on making nutrient-dense food choices.
Step 7 Includes:
Increasing participation in Harvest of the Month
Increasing the number and utilization of SNAP-ED and Expanded Food and Nutrition Program instructors
Expanding number of schools including nutrition-education through their school wellness programs
Increasing nutrition education around the use of culturally relevant foods
Supporting policy-, systems-, and environmental-change-projects to improve consumer knowledge around smart food choices
Increase narratives around nutrition security and the role of nutrient dense foods in health.
Step 8 Includes:
Reducing stigma around food assistance by shifting poverty-centric narratives to more relevant narrative about all Montanans' need for nutrition security
Normalizing access to nutrient-dense foods for all Montanans
Mainstreaming knowledge that nutrition quality affects the mental health and physical health of all Montanans
Mainstreaming the knowledge that low-quality nutrition contributes to the most common diseases and causes of poor mental health and death of all Montanans regardless of education, income, ethnicity, social status, economic status, or community location
Increasing the number of health providers using nutrition narratives and nutrition practices to improve the health of all Montanans
Supporting the inclusion of RDs in medical practices and school health programs
Providing nutrition training for community health workers and others working to create healthy Montana communities
Increase opportunities for community food wellbeing, resilience, and sustainability.
Step 9 Includes:
Increasing support for Tribal food sovereignty efforts
Increasing support for Montana efforts to ensure community food systems are resilient and can provide food to all community members when national and regional food distribution systems break down
Facilitating food literacy throughout Montana by supporting education around the impacts of food choice on the jobs, the environment, and individual health and wellbeing
Increasing lived-expert engagement with the general public, educators, lawmakers, media, schoolboards, and other policy makers
Advocating for local, state, regional, and federal policy that strengthens the resilience of community food systems in Montana

The Plan's 3 Phases:
Food Access. Nutrition Security. Community Wellness.
1, through 3, 6, 8
1 through 8
1 through 9