Bucket 01
Food Systems & Agriculture: 33% by 2033
Montana's 826 schools need better infrastructure, distribution, and access to locally grown, nutrient-dense food. Help us make sure 33% of the food on school lunch plates is grown and produced in MT by 2033!
Bucket 02
Child Nutrition
Did you know nutrition impacts kids' mental health as well as physical health? Help us share this important information with school food service directors, nurses, and counselors.

Bucket 03
We are piloting a project with the Montana Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and others to help ensure that Montana pediatricians and mental health providers screen for food-insecurity and nutrition-insecurity and direct families to appropriate resources. Help us reach more providers.
Bucket 04
Narrative Change
Too many people don't understand how nutrition impacts their health, or the health of their children and families. Help us spread the word in Montana.